The Good Man of Pachalum

90 minutes
Guatemala | Spain | USA
in production

In the poorest region of Guatemala, the majority of men have emigrated to the US in search of a better life for themselves and the families they leave behind. They send gifts to their loved ones through Mario, a flamboyant businessman, or as he prefers to call himself, "a messenger of love that unites families."

Film support by —
ICAA España

Film selected for —
San Sebastián Intl Film Festival Lau Haizetara Forum
Dok Leipzig Industry
Krakow Film Festival Industry

Director and Cinematographer: Renato Serrano Borrayo
Producer: Inés Nofuentes / Cronopio Cine / Curuxa Cinema
CoProducer: Rake Films


The Floating World


A Song That Slays